Did You Miss Me?

Well, as we can see, I didn’t get round to analyzing all 30 poems in the 30 days before my exam – at least, not fully enough to write up on this blog. It turns out that while I was able to have a good understanding of a poem within a fair amount of time, organizing my thoughts on the poem in a way that allowed me to present it fully on this blog took a lot more time than I had anticipated. I’m afraid this blog fell to the wayside as I rushed through a phase of panicked, highly caffeinated (dangerously so a lot of the time) and despairing revision.

To give you an idea of just how stressed I was, on the morning of my exam I managed to walk to my Student’s Union for a breakfast revision session with my coursemates (the exam was in the afternoon), only to return home to get my glasses, go back to the Union and then have to go home again as I had dropped my entire full English breakfast on my lap in my sleep deprived and anxious state…

Happily, however, I can announce that I passed the exam (woo!) and achieved a very respectable 2:1 in my Introduction to Poetry unit overall. Yay! I have, however, learned that blogging is an awesome revision technique, but only if you utilize the other awesome revision technique of time keeping, organization and ensuring you get enough sleep.

But, I hear you all wondering, what then is going to happen to this blog? Am I now just going to discard it to a cold and lonely corner of cyberspace, leave it to gather dust and mildew which will only be disturbed by a casual kick from someone who Googled ‘Sonnets’ and clicked on this by mistake? Of course not, don’t be so ridiculous.

I fully intend to keep up with this blog. First and foremost I intend give my readings of the poems I mentioned in the ‘About’ page (I wouldn’t want to disappoint people who really like one or more of those), but ultimatley, I’ll be progressing towards poetry in general. Any poems. Not just those 30. Not just those 30 days. So, let’s carry on where we left off, shall we?